Town Crier opens Hole in Wand mini golf on Eastgate Street

Chester Town Crier David Mitchell launched the new 9 hole mini golf course The Hole in Wand on Eastgate street yesterday. The atmospheric attraction takes players on a magical journey with visits to the Eastgate Clock and encounters with a Unicorn and the famous Chester Cathedral Imp. Prices start from 6.99 per player, and upon completion of the course, players will be rewarded with a special “magical potion”.

David Mitchell and Ben Fry inside The Hole in Wand

Co founder Ben Fry, who is also the Town Crier of York commented:

“The Hole in Wand started in York and we feel Chester has the same magical vibe and the same kind of city centre. We are passionate about getting people into city centres and bringing something fun. People always talk about there being “100s of coffee shops”, and they have their role to play but we are passionate about having attractions in city centres. It would have been very easy for us to build this on an industrial unit outside of town, but we want city centres to thrive. Its worked in York , and its won awards there. We have one in Blackpool with a different dynamic. Chester and York would be seen as quite complimentary, they both have amazing racecourses, they both have history. We have played on that as well so when you go in, it isn’t just a copy of what’s in York, it has got the Clock, its got the Cathedral, you will know you’re in Chester.”

Commenting on the rivalry between York and Chester, Ben said : ” We don’t see it as a rivalry! We wanted businesses in both cities because they’re complimentary. As Town Crier of York I’m very proud of all that York has to offer . This is only the third time we have opened a Hole in Wand, and we have chosen Chester, so I think York and Chester can be friends, lets pick on Cambridge and Oxford and Bath! I’m hoping I can be a link, and I have met your Town Crier so I hope the two cities can come together!”

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